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Have You Upgraded Recently?

Windows Server, Windows Operating Systems, Internet Explorer and Chrome upgrades needed as Microsoft and Google end support lines. Avoid problems and security holes later on by making sure you have the most up-to-date versions of applications, operating systems and servers. Please contact your IT support or Neotek if you have any problems.

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Thinking of Hosting Your ERP in the Cloud?

Cloud Computing is definitely the talk of the town (trending). And now with vendors offering cloud hosted ERP systems we thought it best to explore and explain the benefits and pitfalls.

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Customer Convenience Trumps Experience

Today’s time savvy customers aren’t always looking for an experience when they choose to purchase via the web, in fact most are looking for convenience.

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PDF Invoices Straight to Your Accounting System

Are you tired of re-keying these invoices into your accounting system? Are you having to check everything twice to make sure it is accurate?

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