Time Sensitive Offers
Good time sensitive offers result in more sales hence improving your cash flow. They are one of the most powerful lead and sales generating tools ever invented!
Why Use Time Sensitive Offers?
Good time sensitive offers result in more sales hence improving your cash flow. They are one of the most powerful lead and sales generating tools ever invented!
Why do time sensitive offers work compared to regular offers? Because the majority of people who are interested in your sales material, will not often act immediately because you have not given them an incentive to act immediately.
We all lead busy lives and although we may see an offer that interests us, if we don’t have to act now then we think, “Oh that will still be around next week” and we forget about it.
When To Use Time Sensitive Offers
There is not right or wrong time to use time sensitive offers. You may have stock to clear or a new product to promote.
Or you may want to take advantage of a public holiday to increase your cash flow. How many times can you recall advertisements for one day sales on Australia Day or Waitangi Day or a 4 day sale over Easter. Or why not run daily deals for a week. The customer may not be interested in the first day’s deal but the fact they know a different deal will be on offer every day will have them engaged. With mobile usage so high these days your customers can take advantage of your offer no matter where they are!
However a word to the wise, once you have set the offer in motion, do not keep extending the end date. You are more likely to lose customers and sales this way than gain them.
Using Your Website for Time Sensitive Offers
Specials, EOL/Clearance and Promotions are all great ways to use time sensitive offers. Neotek’s coupon module is great for targeting specific customer groups as well as making universal offers.
Grab Your Customers’ Attention!
Shout about it! Okay well that’s not quite what I meant, however using email marketing and/or mobile marketing is an excellent way to notify your customers that a great offer is available for a limited time.
Let you customers know:
· Ahead of time (a week is good as you start to garner interest)
· Remind them the day before the offer starts
· The day it starts
· And just before it finishes
You wouldn’t want them to miss out now – would you?
Your homepage is another great way to advertise your offer. Put a banner or multiple banners on your image slider. Or use one of the templated sections to showcase the deal.
Target Customer Groups
Not all offers will interest everyone so think about your target audience. When targeting specific groups of customers, not only should you look at the types of businesses they run (E.G. cafes, petrol stations, newsagencies, car parts etc) but their purchase history as well.
Time sensitive offers work – why not try it for yourself and watch your profits rise!
Contact Us
- Address: 45 Arrenway Drive, Rosedale, Auckland 0632, New Zealand
- Phone: +64 9 915 6655
- Email: info@neotek.co.nz